
Code of Conduct for Athletes

The guiding principles:

Because it actually does. Being charged with a betting offence or match-fixing rules violation can ruin your career and harm your reputation forever. You need to make sure you know the rules on sports betting, even if you think it doesn’t concern you. You don’t know what rules we are talking about? Time to get in touch with your Player Association.

Regardless the level or type of the competition, if it is professional game or not, fixing is fixing and it is illegal. So is fixing any part of the game, even if it doesn’t change the winner or the final score of the game.

Never. It also means you can’t bet on the games you’re not playing in. Or ask someone else to place a bet for you. Betting companies have sophisticated monitoring systems so don’t think you can get away with it. Also, whatever is found on your phone or computer can be used as evidence against you.

If someone is approaching you to fix a game or any part of it, you must immediately report it. Report anything that seems suspicious. If you don’t report, you could get a long ban – even if you didn’t fix the game. If you don’t know where or how to report, get in touch with your player association.

Information about injuries, team selections or tactics… Anything that you know because of being a part of the team, should stay within the team. Don´t disclose inside information – and that includes sharing on the internet or social media – as people might misuse it for gambling and cause you to break the rules.

Educational video in English